
Every business has an economic underlying that is reflected in finance and accounting. Sometimes you are stronger in your profession than in the world of numbers.

We support you with business administration consulting to bring the excellence of your professional expertise to successful commercial results. (Disclaimer: Finance et Mediation S.A. does not offer any financial or investment advisory that by regulatory means can exclusively  performed by licensed enterprises in Luxembourg).

Your business idea is your mission. How to convince your investors? We have experience as incubator for startups or reviewing business plans.

To buy cheap makes the profit. Do you know your cost structures in detail, where are the potentials for optimisation? Does your cost accounting reflect the economic reality? What are the drivers for your earnings? We offer mature experience leading to pragmatic solutions, especially for small and medium enterprises.

You are planning an investment and have set up your calculation?  Sometimes a second opinion help, looking at quantitatve and qualitative aspects. This to get more confidence  and to be prepared for negotiations to finance for your investment.

You can benefit from our experience about cross-border tax issues in business and private context. We can recommand experts, especially about cross-border challenges with Luxemburg and Germany.

Your are looking for solutions regarding budgeting, cost- and return management or financing? Contact us – we find appropriate solutions, as well by using the experts of our competent network..